Monday, September 1, 2008

YL pudu plaza

YL camera is a famous camera shop in Kuala Lumpur. Its located a Pudu Plaza a very old shopping complex located near Berjaya Times Square. So last week me and my friend went there to scout for second hand Nikon mount lens. After scouting for half an hour we finally left the shop. On the way back he kept whinning about how bad the service was and bla bla... But instead he was the one who kept hang the YL word on his mouth that the things are cheap and the service is good.

Aday before that I was running late for submission of my part for an assignment. The group leader told me that if I cant finish it by the night he wont add my name into the group list. So instead of slacking around my room I sat infront of the computer for 2 hours to complete the assignment.

Aplication of BCT 1024:

1.Tu quoque Fallacy

he kept whinning about how bad the service was and bla bla... But instead he was the one who kept hang the YL word on his mouth that the things are cheap and the service is good.

2. Ad populum appeal to force

My group leader told me to finish by night or else... I wont receive marks for my assignment

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